There’s more to NYCPM than a superior podiatric medical education. Here, you’ll develop a community of close friends and mentors who are committed to helping you grow and thrive throughout your podiatric journey.

Beyond understanding the ins and outs of what a career in podiatric medicine entails, you’ll gain experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. In addition to picnics, galas and guest lectures, you’ll have the opportunity to join your fellow students as a volunteer in the community where you apply your medical expertise in real-world settings. Many of our activities vary based on student requests and interest. In the past we’ve traveled to West Point to perform boot-fittings for incoming cadets and performed foot screenings for local dance companies and community health fairs. Students produce the Student Literary Arts Magazine (SLAM) which features poetry, paintings and photography by students and faculty. NYCPM was the first college to pioneer the Podiatric Medical Review, a scholarly publication of research papers and reviews written by students, and you can showcase your creative abilities by contributing to several publications.

The Bridges: Student Housing in NYC

Student smiling while standing next to bed in room at The Bridges

Living in one of the most exciting cities in the world is just one of the many perks of being an NYCPM student. From iconic landmarks like Times Square and Central Park to world-class shopping and dining experiences to storied cultural events, there’s so much to see, do, and explore in your own backyard.

The Bridges, our NYCPM housing, also provides affordable living options with all-inclusive amenities in a convenient location at the epicenter of podiatric learning and vibrant city life. Many of our students choose to live in The Bridges for at least the first year, surrounded by fellow NYCPM students. It’s here, with late night study sessions and conversations that the bonds that last a lifetime are solidified.

Explore the Bridges

Our Student Wellness Initiative

At NYCPM, we believe in a holistic educational experience that benefits the whole student. Thus, our student wellness initiative was created—a unique, collaborative effort with faculty and student representatives to encourage and support the NYCPM community throughout the academic year.

Some of our Student Wellness activities include:

  • Dog therapy sessions during exams
  • Holiday-themed events
  • Monthly chair yoga sessions
  • Weekly meditation sessions
  • Meditative mindfulness breaks
  • Student outings and sporting events

Explore Student Wellness

NYCPM grad with baby and wife at graduation

Support for Student Success

Pursuing your DPM can be a rigorous journey, but you’re not alone at NYCPM. Student success is our priority, and we provide additional support to help you navigate obstacles, manage stress, improve study habits, and achieve your academic and career goals with motivation and encouragement at every step.

Karin E. Christiaens, MA, MPhil
Director of Academic Support and Learning Specialist
Book time with Karin E. Christiaens

Melanie Love, PhD
Staff Psychologist

Getting Involved

Expand your interests and education with our numerous clubs and organizations dedicated to enhancing the student experience. From student government to public health, surgery, and more, NYCPM has a club that will help you bond and build connections with fellow students who share your passion for podiatry. Student clubs sponsor guest lecturers in their area of interest, coordinate activities like class picnics and barbeques, ski trips, sporting events and more, and raise money for worthy causes including the American Diabetes Association, City Harvest, Toys for Tots, as well as several local food and clothing drives. The New York College of Podiatric Medicine Student Association (NYCPMSA) sponsors annual events including the Senior Class Boat Cruise and the Foot Ball, a formal gala held each spring.

Student Organizations & Clubs

Student Government


The New York College of Podiatric Medicine Student Association (NYCPMSA) is a local organization of all students at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Students become members of NYCPMSA upon admission to the College and upon payment of their tuition and fees. Communication is maintained on a national basis with other student governments through the American Podiatric Medical Students Association (APMSA).

The officers of the NYCPMSA are the Executive Board, comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each officer/representative of the Student Association and its subordinate organization(s) shall be, both at the time of candidacy and during his/her tenure of office, a full-time student at NYCPM and shall not be on academic or other probation. Each NYCPMSA Executive Board officer shall serve in office for a period of one (1) year, unless otherwise specified. He/she assumes full tenure of office on July 1 and shall continue until June 30 of the following year. The current Constitution of the NYCPMSA can be found at the College website.

The Student Council is a subset group of the NYCPMSA. The members of the Student Council are comprised of the NYCPMSA Executive Board, the Class Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Alumni Representative), as well as the APMSA delegates/alternates for each of the four classes, the junior representative to the State Society and the President of the local Student National Podiatric Medical Association (SNPMA) chapter. Each Class Officer service begins and ends with the respective academic year unless otherwise specified. The APMSA delegates and alternates are elected during the Freshman year and retain the office for the duration of all four years.

The Student Council maintains legislative and administrative authority, consistent with College policy, on matters concerning the students of the College. The Student Council makes every effort to represent the interests of the student body by maintaining a atmosphere of collaboration with the administration and faculty.

ACFAS Surgery Club, NYCPM Student Chapter


The Surgery Club is a student chapter of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. This organization introduces students to the fundamental principles and practices essential to podiatric surgery. The club stresses the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to care and sponsors a monthly lecture series.

American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management


The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) is devoted to the advancement of the study of podiatric practice management. It promotes success through shared knowledge and skills. The NYCPM student chapter is dedicated to providing its members with these same benefits. A wide variety of subjects are presented, often sponsored by outside organizations, in an effort to enhance the business skills essential for future success.

American Association for Women Podiatrists (AAWP)


This is a student chapter for female students of podiatric medicine who are interested in advancing recognition of the profession and. It serves as a support group to promote success both at school and in practice, obtains scholarship assistance for members, and promotes volunteer activities. The NYCPM chapter sponsors an annual Spring Luncheon, invited speakers, participation in fundraisers, and a newsletter, the Barefeet Press.

American Podiatric Medical Students Association


The American Podiatric Medical Students' Association (APMSA) is the official national organization representing all students enrolled at the eight colleges of podiatric medicine across the U.S. By virtue of their enrollment at a college of podiatric medicine, all students are members of the Association. APMSA functions to provide a forum to discuss problems, to further the profession of podiatry on a national level, and to establish the means for obtaining desired goals.

American Society of Podiatric Surgeons Surgery Club


ASPS is an independent organization formed to collaborate with APMA in representing the surgical interests of APMA members. ASPS will advance the knowledge and skills of podiatrists in the area of surgery of the foot, ankle and their governing and related structure. ASPS is the surgical voice for APMA and serves to promote and support the initiatives of APMA and its goals associated with Vision 2015. ASPS is a free student program that allows for students to participate in many activities under the direction of ASPS DPMs.

Asian American Podiatric Student Association


The AAPSA is a student organization founded in 2011 to reflect the growing number of Asian-American students at NYCPM. Membership is open to all students and is not exclusive to Asian American students. The primary focus of AAPSA is to educate and increase awareness of podiatric medicine amongst Asian-American communities. To achieve our goal, the club hosts various activities including, but not limited to, foot screenings, various volunteer opportunities, guest speakers, and journal club meetings.

Diabetes Club / Wound Care Club


This group is dedicated to increasing student knowledge about diabetes through lecture series, journal clubs, and workshops. The club also participates in fundraisers such as the American Diabetes Association Walk for Diabetes and in exhibits and foot screenings to educate the public.

The NYCPM Wound Care Club is a student chapter of the American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA), founded in 2001. The purpose of the Wound Care Club is to educate the students of NYCPM in the fundamentals of wound healing and establish their interest in the treatment of chronic and complex wounds by providing quality wound care educational lectures through guest speakers and journal clubs presentations. Additionally, club members will be trained to become effective wound care professionals by being able to participate in various foot screenings and hands-on workshops involving innovative and bioengineered wound care products throughout the year. This club will also participate in fundraisers to help raise awareness against diseases like diabetes.

Hispanic American Podiatric Students Association (HAPSA)


The primary mission of the Hispanic American Podiatric Students Association (HAPSA) at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM) is to build communication and understanding between the podiatric medical field and the Hispanic community through outreach programs, informative language seminars, and health care events. By making all active members proficient in basic medical Spanish, we plan on providing the community with increased standards of excellence through our competent, confident, and caring members.

International Podiatry Club


The International Podiatry club at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine strives to promote education and the enhancement of knowledge in the field of podiatry of different countries. Our goal is to provide students an opportunity to advance their understanding of podiatric significance/importance and podiatric scope in countries around the world through educational seminars, guest speakers and research. We believe that through this mission, we will give the prospective podiatrist an idea of what to expect if he/she decides to ultimately pursue this profession in another country, as well as to give a general idea of how podiatry is perceived and applied internationally.

Orthopedics Club


The Orthopedics Club, a student chapter of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine (ACFAOM) is currently experiencing increased interest and activity. Club sponsored lecture series have addressed a number of common orthopedic conditions and their treatment at an introductory level suitable for 1st and 2nd year students. Upcoming topics include gait analysis and plantar pressure assessment modalities.

Pediatrics Club


The Pediatrics Club was created for the NYCPM student with a demonstrated interest in the subspecialty of podopediatrics. This organization is dedicated to expanding the knowledge base of its members regarding the pediatric lower extremity through discussions and lectures. Material will include the most common pathologies afflicting the pediatric community as well as corresponding treatments. Volunteer events within the community are also planned to provide members with hands-on experiences and education in this ever-growing field.

Physicians for Human Rights-NYCPM Chapter


"Physicians for Human Rights-NYCPM Chapter" is a non-sectarian club that promotes the common values of pluralism, tolerance, and respect for human rights of all peoples. As medical students and human rights activists, we stand up against poverty, violence, disease, and discrimination. We, as future medical professionals, are guided by ethical obligations to serve humanity by healing and saving lives--it is most befitting to our profession that we also stand up for the fundamental human rights of our fellow citizens of the world.

Public Health Club


Much like the American Public Health Association (APHA) has a mission to "improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status", the Public Health Club at NYCPM aspires to further awareness and provide podiatric service in an effort to achieve community health.

Radiology Club


The Radiology Club of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine strives to promote education and the enhancement of knowledge in the field of radiographic imaging in podiatry.

Running Club


The purpose of the NYCPM Running Club is to form a solid foundation in the basics of running and walking through readings and lectures by guest speakers. There are no prerequisites except the desire to learn the proper techniques of running and walking safely. Members are grouped with team leaders according to their interests, location and abilities. Members interested in competing will be encouraged to join the New York Road Runners, as their events are discounted for their members, including qualifying for the New York Marathon. Upcoming running and walking events, including group runs in Central Park, are posted for all members.

Sports Medicine Club


The Sports Medicine Club was created to allow students the chance to become better acquainted with the expanding field of sports medicine. As a student chapter of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, guest speakers and clinics on athletic training are scheduled throughout the year. The Club works in conjunction with other organizations to assist in providing medical services for events such as the FPME Walk-a-thon, the New York and Boston Marathons, and numerous local races affiliated with the New York Road Runners Club.

Visit the Sports Medicine Club on Instagram

Student National Podiatric Medical Association (SNPMA)


The Student National Podiatric Medical Association (SNPMA) is a national society working to promote fellowship among all students. The association provides a channel of communication for minority students by working to establish and enhance professional relationships with other minority practitioners. In addition to providing tutorial programs and sources of financial assistance, activities include the Freshman Welcome Packets, Annual Bake Sale, Senior Banquet, and International Day.