Look up dates and calendar information. Bookmark and download important documents and forms. Here current students will find easy access to the pages and sites they need most.
Academic Integrity
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Student Complaint Policy
Code of Conduct
Title IX Policy
Social Media Policy
College Catalog (PDF)
Student Handbook (PDF)
Graduation Handbook (PDF)
Student Services
Through TouroOne you can also access:
- Canvas
- Application for Graduation
Financial Aid
Student Organizations
Diploma Reprints
Academic Calendar
Visit the TouroOne Portal for these forms:
- Change of Address
- Change of SSN
- Leave of Absence - Withdrawal Form
- FERPA release
- Immunization Form
- Meningitis Response Form
Counseling & Wellness
Student Support Services:
- Book time with Karin E. Christiaens (Director of Academic Support and Learning Specialist)
- Speak with Dr. Melanie Love (Staff Psychologist)